Babesia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ? Babesia Babesia equi en glóbulos rojos de caballo Clasificación científi … Wikipedia Español
BABESIA — (син.: Piroplasma, Piroscma, Apiosoma), кровепаразиты крупного и мелкого скота, принадлежащие к типу Protozoa, классу Sporozoa, подкл. Coccidiomorpha, порядку Coccidiidea, подпорядку Piroplasmi dea, сем. Babesiidae. Отношение к другим споровикам … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
Babesia — Texas fever redirects here. For other uses, see Texas fever (disambiguation). Babesia[1][2] Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Babesia — Babesien Babesien (Babesia) Systematik Stamm: Apicomplexa Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Babesia — Babésiose La Babésiose (ou Piroplasmose) est une maladie rare, parente de la malaria provoquées par un babesia (B. divergens, B. microti), c est à dire un parasite protozoaire intra érythrocytaire affectant plusieurs espèces. Les babesia sont… … Wikipédia en Français
Babesia — Babesien; Babesiella * * * Babesia [nach dem rumänischen Pathologen Victor Babeş, * 1854, ✝ 1926], Babesi|en, zu den Sporentierchen gehörende Gattung einzelliger, rundlicher, ring oder birnen bis stäbchenförmiger (je nach dem… … Universal-Lexikon
babesia — /beuh bee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh/, n. any protozoan of the genus Babesia, certain species of which are parasitic and pathogenic for warm blooded animals. [1893; < NL, named after Victor Babes (1854 1926), Rumanian bacteriologist; see IA] * * *… … Universalium
Babesia — The economically most important genus of the protozoan family Babesiidae; characterized by multiplication in host red blood cells to form pairs and tetrads; it causes babesiosis (piroplasmosis) in most types of domestic animals, and two species… … Medical dictionary
babesia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Victor Babeş died 1926 Roman bacteriologist Date: 1911 any of a genus (Babesia) of sporozoans parasitic in mammalian red blood cells (as in Texas fever) and transmitted by the bite of a tick called also piroplasm … New Collegiate Dictionary
babesia — ba•be•sia [[t]bəˈbi ʒə, ʒi ə, zi ə[/t]] n. pl. sias mcr any protozoan of the genus Babesia, certain species of which are parasitic and pathogenic for warm blooded animals • Etymology: < NL (1893), after Victor Babeş (1854–1926), Romanian… … From formal English to slang